Heiko Daxl


"AZOTH", objects

see more about the meaning of Azoth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azoth


"Le Cinéma - Le Train", Video installation


Music: Tobias PM Schneid
Sounddesign: Markus Lehmann-Horn; Video 2003, 14:00 min

Experience is nothing else than change of memory.

Film-leaders and film takes of railways are the raw footage of the work. By manipulation and montage in relation to the musical composition there are points for thoughtful excursions, roundabouts, dreams, curves,
imaginations and lost memories. But the continuance of transitoriness keeps its familiar riddle. A railway
journey as a cinematographic experience.

"The flowers are not flowers anymore, but spots of colour, or better to say red and white stripes. There is no point, everything turns into stripes. Cornfields like long yellow strands of hair and meadows like long green plaits. Church towers and trees start to dance and merge in a lunatic way with the horizon. Sometimes a shadow appears, a ghost (...) and disappears like a flash" (Victor Hugo, 1837)

Heiko Daxl 1957-2012. Born in Oldenburg, Germany; lived and worked in Berlin and Zagreb
1978 – 1985 Studied architecture at the Technical University, Berlin; media science and art history in Braunschweig, Zürich and Osnabrück. M.A. in communication aesthetics.
1980 - 1992 founder, organizer and curator of European Media Art Festivals, Osnabrück (International Experimentalfilm Workshop 1980-87, European Media Art Festival 1988-1992).
1990/91 curator, editor and producer of INFERMENTAL 10, international video art-magazine (Osnabrück-Skopje-Budapest)
1993 - 1999 curator and art-director of Media-Scape, International Symposium and Exhibition for Media Art in Zagreb, Croatia.
1995 - 1999 Chair of VideoKunstMultiMedia Berlin (VKMM e.V.)
1996 - 2002 collaboration with the Studio for Electro-Acoustic Music of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
Since 1980 Organizer and curator for various media festivals. Curator in different museums and galleries for film and video art in America, Asia, Australia and Europe (for Goethe Institute in more than 20 countries).
Since 1983 lectures and seminars at universities and film schools in Euroa and Asia, (among others Hochschule für Film and Fernsehen, Potsdam-Babelsberg and University of Applied Technology and Business, Berlin).
Since 1978 work on various film and video productions, photo- and computer graphics, installations, CD-ROM and DVD projects. Participation on international exhibitions and festival worldwide. Published numerous articles on media art in books, catalogues and magazines.
Various grants and awards.
Since 1991 collaboration with Ingeborg Fülepp as mediainmotion, Berlin.